Whether this is your first time at Oasis Naples Church or you have been here for years, there is always an opportunity for you to connect with people here and create some new friends.
Discover what will lead you to another level of connection and purpose with Connect Groups. Take this opportunity to unite with other people with common interest and to help influence your generation, both locally and globally.
Kids: Ages 4-11
Every Sunday morning service, Preschool through Fifth grade, can be a part of an exciting and active environment filled with songs, games, crafts and lovable characters that teach Godly values at an age-appropriate level. Kids group meet at the same time as adult services, and are designed for all children from Preschool through Fifth grade. So while you are experiencing the creative, life-changing services of Oasis, your children are experiencing it as well.
Nursery is also available for 1 to 4 year olds located in the room across from the Kids room.