Michael Rosas, Evangelist and Author
We are honored to be having Michael Rosas, youth evangelist and author, speak at our Sunday Morning Worship service, this Sunday at 10:30 AM. Mike lives his life completely in pursuit in changing this World, starting with his generation. Letting his love for God lead the way, Mike travels around America speaking to high school and college aged groups encouraging them to love God, chase their dreams, and change the World!
Saved at the age of 5 and called to minister at the age of 6, Mike developed a debilitating speech impediment that same year. He had to go to a special school to learn how to speak, but not only did the classes not help, they caused him mental pain and depression from being made fun of and bullied. It was during this time that the Lord spoke to him and said that if he would trust HIM, HE would use him and speak through him around the world. With this calling etched on his heart, Mike grew up with one focus... changing the World.
At the age of 21, Mike stepped into ministry and became a youth pastor. In 2008 Mike's opportunity came to go into full time ministry as an itinerant minister/Evangelist. The Lord has given Mike a great passion for this generation and their call to change the World for Jesus! In September of 2009 the Lord inspired him to study revolutionaries who have shaped the present world we live in. As he studied their stories the Lord began to highlight the giftings and callings they had that are mirrored in this generation. God began to show him how He has called this generation to do a spiritual revolution in the world. Mike coupled that information with an in-depth study of 1st & 2nd Timothy. He studied the methods Paul taught his protege, Timothy, during the Christian Revolution, and wrote a 40 day "How To" titled "Change the World: Becoming a Revolutionary". With the Lord's favor, the book has opened many doors to speak at youth and young adult group, conferences and festivals to spread the message of the Revolution. God has also blessed Mike with the opportunity to be an influence over the influencers of this generation by becoming a Chaplain of the Houston Rockets.
Mike is now bent on Revolution at all costs! His sole desire and goal is for Revolution to come to the World and the Lost to be found by LOVE.